PCT 2014 Gear list

If you got a lot of gear I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but my pack ain’t one

Pack- varies 24
Shelter- Zpacks Hexamid Solo with optional door and 8 titanium stakes 12
Sleeping bag- Zpacks 10 degree sleeping bag, long 21
Sleeping bag stuff sack 2
Poly-cro ground sheet  1.5
Neo-air x-lite size small 9
1/8 inch foam sleeping pad 2
 small piece of tyvek  2
Samsung S3 Galaxy Smartphone in otterbox case (with guthook’s app and halfmile’s app and the water report, cached) 6
Suntactics s5 solar charger 8
Sansa Clip Mp3 Player 1
2 wall chargers for gadgets 2
Petzl e-Lite  1
Steripen Ultra water purifier 5.2
Plastic screw-top container to soak my dinners  2
Titanium spoon .6
Knife (tiny swiss army classic w/scissors and single blade) 1
Platypus 2-liter bottles x 2 2
Gatorade bottles x 2 2.5
Stuff sack for food 1
Tiny notebook and pen, a couple of postcards 2
Various small items in ziploc: Toothbrush and toothpaste, floss with sewing needle inside, earplugs, ibuprofen, earbuds, extra chapstick, tiny plastic camp mirror 4
One ounce bottle of camp soap 1
One ounce bottle of hand sanitizer 1
Full size bottle of sunscreen 4
Toilet paper 2
Trash compactor bag liner 2
Compass .75
Sunglasses 1
Zippered stuff sack for items 2
Extra pair of injinji toe socks  1.5
Synthetic t-shirt  4
Western Mountaineering hooded flash jacket  9
Golite rain jacket  7
 Nike hyperwarm tights  9
 Lightweight fleece hat  1
 Lightweight fleece gloves  1
 Bandanna x 2  2
 Exofficio underwear  1
 Square of dirty foam torn from filthy sleeping pad in hikerbox for pillow  1
 Mosquito headnet as stuff sack for clothes  1
Total base weight of pack (this is the weight without food, water, fuel or worn clothing) 10.2 lbs aka BOOM!

Worn on my body: Boa one-inch inseam galaxy shorts, RailRiders adventure shirt, Nike dri-fit sports bra, Brooks Cascadias, Injinji toe socks, Dirty Girl Gaiters, black diamond ultra-distance trekking poles.

My 2014 post-trail gear review is here.

My gear list from the PCT 2013 is here.

28 thoughts on “PCT 2014 Gear list

  1. It’s almost midnight – I have to get up early yet I can’t bring myself to fall asleep just yet. Still trying to catch up on your blogs. Just found you via a FB PCT page. Almost done with 2013… I absolutely love them all, especially this gear list which isn’t overly complicated and on some complicated spreadsheet. Haha. I’m planning on thru-hiking next year so consider me a sponge, soaking up all your words. Each and every one. Love your writing style and your descriptive stories. I’ve offered to help the Saufleys in Agua Dulce with whatever they will need to help you thru-hikers out this year whenever I have spare time. Maybe I’ll see you. Good luck!!! Super stoked for you and excited to read all about it 🙂 You’re such a fresh voice.

  2. Yeah GG packs are too long, even the small ones, especially after the stretch out with a bit of use. I made my own pack to fit me, that’s my solution..

  3. That’s great! I’m at 16.5 lbs so far and I still have to add my cpap gear, which, depending on scenario, is 5-6 lbs more. I don’t even have a camera. You did well!

  4. Love my GG Gorilla but agree their packs are WAY long. Had to give mine up. Keep writing. I love reading what you write!

  5. looks awesome!! I have a very similar list. I am also planning to carry a camera this year in order to save space on my iphone…. But don’t androids have removable storage? Any reason you aren’t using that as the camera?

  6. Thanks for the gear list! I’m heavy in the middle of gear research for my 2015 trip and especially love to hear from past thru-hikers who are going again. Although I know you are one tough son of a bitch, so I’m not sure if I’m comfortable heading out with so little. Under 10 pounds does sound really nice, though.

    And “Hi” Saina! Hope to meet you on the trail next year.

  7. @ Adam Dresser – I went to “like” your comment only to realize there is no like button!! haha. Kind of sad that that’s my first instinct over seeing anything online, including sometimes e-mails. In my defense though, I didn’t want to comment just to say “hi” and take away from Carrot’s beautiful gear list blog. Aaaanywayyys, hiiii!!! Yes!! Next year. Come hell or high water, I will be going and hope to meet you too. 🙂 And I really doubt I’ll be able to match this amazingly narrowed down list of Carrot’s either. I’m a known over-packer. Editing my gear is what I’ll need to work on so seeing others’ gear lists is so helpful.

  8. I’m super excited that you’re hiking the trail again this year! I followed you on your entire journey last year and rarely commented, and for that I am sorry. If you ever need anything in Southern California then just let me know! I live in the LA area and hike around the San Gabriels all the time. I’m looking forward to following (AND COMMENTING!) on however you decide to share your journey this time around. Thank you for your beautiful blog.

  9. Great idea to use the mosquito headnet as a clothes bag!

    I agree that GG needs to make XS, I also think they need to make shaped straps or reshape them around the neck. I’m 5’4 with a short torso and I have the straps as short as they will go. I get some neck rub with the straps, I don’t know how folks with big necks get along with these packs. Love everything else about them. Hope you find a pack that fits.

  10. Carrot – just found your blog linked through gossamer and died from its awesomeness. already subscribed and can’t wait to get your 2014 PCT updates! I have to know…. how on earth do you not get thigh chaffing from those short looking Patagonia shorts?! or perhaps that just a thing for my 5’2″ frame and oh SO jacked legs…

  11. Lari- thanks for the kind words! If I was going to make a blanket statement about chafe on the PCT I’d maybe say “everyone gets chafe, but everyone gets chafe in a different way.” If your legs are super jacked you might do best to wear a pair of compression shorts. One of the people I hiked with SWORE by under armour compression shorts, I don’t know your gender but here’s a women’s pair that looks awesome- http://www.zappos.com/under-armour-still-gotta-have-it-4-compression-short-black-x-ray-x-ray you can wear them alone or under an awesome pair of printed running shorts, a hiking skirt, whatever you want. I only got chafing from sweat (salt crystals are sharp and they cut you 😦 ) so I just tried to wash the salt off every day wherever things were rubbing, and if I developed chafe I washed it before bed, dried it and put some vaseline on it and was good to go in the morning. Good luck!

    • Thanks! You guessed correct I’m an F. And not really that ‘jacked’ but it’s sure nice to think I am. Thanks so much for the advice!

  12. Hej
    I liked reading your last years blog about your trip very much. To be honest: I just copied it into a word file so I can read it offline and enjoy it. Many thanks for it, for your writing and for the Pictures as well.
    I was just curious what you ment with PCT 2014 – and I liked to see you are doing it again… you probably have become an addict… I look Forward wagerly to your reports from this years hike and I´ll Keep my fingers crossed for you ! All the best Armin from germany

  13. nice post and impressive base weight. quick question– why did you decide to ditch the quilt and go with a bag this year?

  14. Enjoying following your travels over-the-woods-&-through the streams…if you have a minute for an “on trail review”…curious to know how that zpacks sleeping bag is working out for you…is it all you dreamed it would be? Trying to do PCT 2015. Thanks Thanks!

    • Hi Redhank – you can also check out Navigating The Surface – he (Joel, 2014 nobo hiker) has a zpacks too…..it’ll likely be my choice for next year I think

  15. Following your adventures here and on instagram as well as that of several others. Keeping me going as I start readying for next year. Sloshing up and down Mt Baden Powell every couple weeks with frivolous weight to get in shape

  16. Hi Carrot.
    Thanks for another year of blogging to us “stuck at home” people!
    I am curious as to why your gear list for packs says “varied”. You didn’t use your gossamer gear this year? I saw on your last posts that you weren’t a trail ambassador anymore for them. What pack did you use this time around? I want to buy a pack, but being from Australia I can’t see/try most lightweight brands. Researching for hours to determine spending my money on the best I can. Any input appreciated.
    Once again, thank you for the ride. 2014 was awesome, just as 2013 was. Bring on the CDT! X

  17. わざわざ忙しい中人を呼びつけて自分らの自己満披露宴を長時間見てもらって金まで払わせているのに文句を言うとな 様子伺いながらの人付き合いなんて自然な人との接し方じゃない。
    つか、上限つけてる俺はハッピーメールを 誰にも出さずに誰からも来ずだとなにやってんの?つぶやき? 結婚式 欠席

    職場の友達が結婚式挙げるわけだが日取りの関係上出席はできない スルーでイラ付くヤツは、定型文で断られても根に持つだろが 飯島美和結婚
    相手は、さすがにひと月とかの放置は嫌だけど自分のペースでいいよと言ってくれていた。 かなり風俗行ってるんだろうなーとしか。。

  18. Pingback: Minimalism Ethics | Rahil Patel

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